Changelog Report

Timeframe: 30 days, Total Commits: 11 Total Number of Files Changed: 72

Date Author File/Message
2003-12-21 18:19:03 B. K. Oxley (binkley) build.cmd v 1.2 v 1.2

ts.cmd v 1.2 v 1.2

u.bat v 1.2 v 1.2

bin/build.cmd v 1.1

bin/ v 1.1

bin/ts.cmd v 1.1

bin/ v 1.1

bin/u.cmd v 1.1

bin/ v 1.1

Put utility wrappers into bin/.
2003-12-21 18:17:21 B. K. Oxley (binkley) dependencies.xml v 1.3

maven.xml v 1.2

1. Update to XDoclet 1.2. 2. Clean up duplicates in the dependencies.
2003-12-21 18:16:41 B. K. Oxley (binkley) .cvsignore v 1.1

Don't look at maven.log which is there even after a clean.
2003-12-21 18:02:04 B. K. Oxley (binkley) dependencies.xml v 1.2

u.bat v 1.1 v 1.1

Easy update.
2003-12-21 06:01:42 B. K. Oxley (binkley) reports.xml v 1.2

Turn on the dashboard.
2003-12-21 05:48:10 B. K. Oxley (binkley) v 1.2

project.xml v 1.2

xdocs/navigation.xml v 1.2

Cleaning up for StatCVS.
2003-12-21 04:16:54 B. K. Oxley (binkley) LICENSE.html v 1.1

LICENSE.txt v 1.1

build.cmd v 1.1 v 1.1

dependencies.xml v 1.1

developers.xml v 1.1

maven.xml v 1.1 v 1.1

project.xml v 1.1

reports.xml v 1.1

ts.cmd v 1.1 v 1.1

src/conf/ v 1.1

src/conf/ v 1.1

src/iutest/.keep v 1.1

src/java/net/sourceforge/wisk/ v 1.1

src/merge/filter-mappings.xml v 1.1

src/merge/filters.xml v 1.1

src/merge/struts-plugins.xml v 1.1

src/merge/taglibs.xml v 1.1

src/test/net/sourceforge/wisk/ v 1.1

src/webapp/index.html v 1.1

src/webapp/WEB-INF/tiles-definitions.xml v 1.1

tools/.cvsignore v 1.1

tools/README v 1.1

xdocs/navigation.xml v 1.1

Bringing the project on board.
2003-12-21 03:48:51 B. K. Oxley (binkley) CVSROOT/checkoutlist v 1.2

CVSROOT/commitinfo v 1.2

CVSROOT/config v 1.3

CVSROOT/cvswrappers v 1.3

CVSROOT/loginfo v 1.3

CVSROOT/modules v 1.2

CVSROOT/notify v 1.2

CVSROOT/rcsinfo v 1.2

CVSROOT/taginfo v 1.2

1. Turn on email notification. 2. Formatting changes.
2003-12-20 00:54:37 B. K. Oxley (binkley) CVSROOT/cvsrc v 1.1

Basic setup.
2003-12-20 00:53:30 B. K. Oxley (binkley) CVSROOT/config v 1.2

CVSROOT/cvswrappers v 1.2

CVSROOT/loginfo v 1.2

Basic setup.
2003-12-16 19:12:52 root CVSROOT/checkoutlist v 1.1

CVSROOT/commitinfo v 1.1

CVSROOT/config v 1.1

CVSROOT/cvswrappers v 1.1

CVSROOT/editinfo v 1.1

CVSROOT/loginfo v 1.1

CVSROOT/modules v 1.1

CVSROOT/notify v 1.1

CVSROOT/rcsinfo v 1.1

CVSROOT/taginfo v 1.1

CVSROOT/verifymsg v 1.1

initial checkin